
These pages provide a simple guide to some of the e-tools used by colleagues at Dunstable College to create a range of on-line notes, information and links to resources.

These people had virtually no ICT skills other than the basics and certainly none in web design but were able to utilise some of the brilliant new applications now available to make something they were pleased with and which, most importantly, brought a fresh look to their students' learning environment.

Web logs

Web logs, or Blogs as they are commonly called these days, provide a brilliant way to publish chunks of text, headings and links on the web. They can also feature pictures. There are several tools available to help with this but probably the simplest to get to grips with is Blogger, a member of the Google stable, and once it's set up, you can just type what you want or paste in text from existing documents. The particular advantage of this type of tool is that you need no web skills at all and all the design and linking is taken care of for you.


Go to the Blogger start page which has a nice 1-2-3 guide to creating your blog. You need to provide a name for it. This is quite important as it will feature prominently so use something like the course title or topic name. As it can cover several sessions or topics you probably won't want to be too specific. Another important name is the text that will become part of the blog url or address. This takes the form http://title.blogspot.com. You may be lucky and choose a title that is also available as a web address but it's likely that you'll need to come up with a different one here. As you'll need to use the address for links (and maybe recall it for other use fairly readily) try and use something like course-initials, college-course or course-2007 if you find that others have already nabbed your first preferences. Spaces and most special characters are not a good idea, most will be rejected anyway. You'll find it may take a few tries to get an address but a bit of invention and creativity should get you over that hurdle.

Most of the questions you are then asked are either pretty obvious or have default answers you can just accept at this stage - but for the time zone and date display it is recommended that you set GMT and UK format. Once you have chosen a template and answered these initial set-up questions your blog is ready for your entries. It is called 'posting' so you'd use 'new post' for each article, set or section of notes.

Order of appearance

If you are publishing a series of notes that you'd like read in sequence then, as Blogger lists them with the most recent at the top, it can be a good idea to publish them in reverse, i.e. last one first, assuming you have them all ready! If you forget, or add things later, you can cheat the system by changing the date or time of your post before publishing it. Most templates include an Archive that lists them too and that does have a reverse list option. Go to Dashboard, Layout and Edit the Archive panel (or add one if it's missing).


To add a link to another web site within a post, highlight the text to be clicked and use the Hyperlink button. In the panel that appears enter the full site address. If you want to add a side panel with a list of links available wherever people are you can add a special panel. Go to Dashboard, select Layout. Add a Links panel then drag it into place.


Publishing is just a matter of putting a title in the box provided and then text in the big space below. There are wp-like buttons available on the toolbar but you shouldn't need them, except for highlighting certain text in bold or italic. Avoid underlining if you can as this can make text look like a link. The template you chose when setting it up will control the colours and font size and style for you so it's usually best not to fiddle.

Adding text

If you already have notes in Word or want to use text from elsewhere that you can highlight and copy then you can paste this into the text area. (you may have to use Ctr+V to do the paste bit.) There is a useful extra tool that can enable you to publish straight from Word to Blogger. It's the Blogger toolbar for word and is available from this link. This creates an extra item on the Word toolbar menu and works very well. You may not even have to leave your safe Office environment at all once it's set up!

Adding pictures

The other way to add pictures is to insert a picture rather like you would in Word. Use the Insert picture icon on the text area toolbar and hit 'Browse' to locate your image on your computer. Choose a size for the image and Blogger will do the uploading, positioning and resizing for you so that it loads as quickly as most users will prefer, maintaining the best balance of speed and quality. That process, in itself, would have taken quite a few separate steps (and skills) if you'd had to do it yourself every time!

RSS: what is it?

At this point it's worth explaining what RSS is. Now that you have pages of notes and material available on line wouldn't it be nice if students could see a list of headings either on their own sites or at a central point (like the one you'll create if you use the ideas in this project)? Headings and a short intro too, even? Well, Really Simple Syndication, which is what RSS stands for, does just that.Using Blogger means you get the tools automatically. On your blog dashboard (there'll be a link to that when you log in) click on the publishing tab for your blog. Tick the box to enable RSS feeds. Make a note of the url.

It will be something like http://coursetitle.blogspot.com/atom.xml. You'll need that later or can give it to anyone who'd like it and knows what to do with it. (Many students are now more familiar with this sort of thing than some tutors!)

Web pages

These are illustrations from the pages created using the applications described. You can see the actual pages by clicking on the pictures - but remember that these are pages being developed as this is being written so they may change or the authors may have changed their addresses.

To get started click on either the Pageflakes or Protopage links.

Web pages: Pageflakes

Strange to think that you can just make a web page without lots of specialied training or expensive software? Well, follow these instructions and you'll be surprised . . .

Start at the Pageflakes web site and create an account. Because your site address on the web will feature your login name it is a good idea to keep that simple, ideally a single word and with some relevance to its content. Don't be too specific, though, because you will find that you can use the same login for lots of pages and others may relate to different units or topics perhaps.

You will then have a blank start page to which you need to add what they call flakes (but which I refer to as panels).

There are literally hundreds of panels available but initially you will find that these ones will do all you need.


Use this panel for simple text - a bit like this section. It can be as long as you like and you can copy and paste text into it. Ideal for an introduction or short notes.

Web note

This is better for text that you'd like a little larger and is more suitable for longer notes. The font size, style and colours can be changed. The main thing about this panel is that you can have a collection of notes here. Write the first one and Save it with a sensible name. Then Create new notes and save them and you will see that each name then gets added to a list accessible under Open note.

Timetable / Calendar

The Timetable and Calendar panels provide options to set out a weekly schedule, for instance, and future important dates. The timetable is editable so you can change the spread of times and enter details in each box. In the Calendar you can display basic titles but further detail will appear when users hover over a date.

Top Links

The TopLinks panel is ideal for a selection of recommended links to other resources. Edit the panel and replace the four default links with your choices.Add Feed (not Flake) to bring onto the page a panel of your Web log headings or choose from a selection of general interest or subject-related ones available.


All the panels can be dragged around the page and will lock in to appropriate available positions.

They can also be set as either open or closed by clicking on the little icon top left. To change the title of a panel, just click on the title text and retype it. (It will be displayed in capitals.)

To edit any panel, click on Edit and it will open to show the options available. Don't forget to save any changes! This can be used to Add More TopLinks to a links panel as you may find that you need more than four.

The Page Title will initially be My New Page which, of course, you will wish to change. That is easily accomplished by clicking on the little arrow to the right and that pane will also give you the choice as to who can see it - with options to make it public or restrict to a group, with or without a password.

Your RSS Feed

To add your web log content to the page, use the Add Feed link as mentioned previously. Then use the ADD YOUR OWN section and the address to put in the box will be your Blogger web log address. Pageflakes will check that it is available and you should select the Atom option.

Alternatively, add /atom.xml to your http://yourtitle.blogspot.com address.

Normally you will find that just displaying headings or titles of posts works best but there is an option for a few lines of introduction to be displayed. Choose to open entries in the RSS Reader rather than Source or Original and your posts will be nicely set out by the internal feed manager, including pictures!

This is a very nice feature and effectively gives you the facility to have lots of your own resources on hand in one place - and when you update them they will automatically be updated here too!

Your site address

The address of your web site will be something like this:

Web pages: Protopage

Here's another way to make a web site using the very new and quite different-looking tools offered by the Protopage people.

Start at the Protopage site. Signing up is free and simple. Use a content-related name as this will appear in your web address - for individual units or topics you will be able to have separate pages so don't be too specific.

There are simple instructions provided on the first page. To add items you will need to use Widgets, available on the bottom bar.

These you then drag into any position on the page. Gravity on helps to keep things tidy.

The background and colours of panels are very customisable and pages have a unique appearance which can be quite stylish.

Sticky note

Use this panel for simple text - a bit like this section. It can be as long as you like and you can copy and paste text into it. Ideal for an introduction or short notes.

HTML / Rich text sticky note

This is better for text that you'd like a little larger and is more suitable for longer notes. The font size, and colour can be changed. You can also include links and things like lines in the text easily.


The Calendar panel provides options to highlight future important dates. You can't display titles on the panel but further detail will appear when users hover over a date.


The Bookmarks panel is ideal for a selection of recommended links to other resources. Edit the panel and add as many as you like.Add a newsfeed to bring onto the page a panel of your Web log headings or choose from a selection of general interest or subject-related ones available.


Panels can also be set as either open or closed by clicking on the little icon top left. To change the title of a panel, just click on the title text and retype it.

You can add new tabs or pages, even new categories of pages. Click on the arrow to the right of a category tab and Add new tab. Similarly you will get options to change colours or delete individual tabs.

This will also provide options to make pages public, private or restricted to users with a password.

There are lots of privately created widgets available for Protopage pages and even a facility, Web page, to feature a complete external web site within your own page. A To Do list can be useful and a comprehensive search facilty is included by default.

Add your RSS Feed

To add your web log content to the page, use the Add Feed link as mentioned previously. Then use the ADD YOUR OWN section and the address to put in the box will be your Blogger web log address. Protopage will check that it is available.

You should enter the Atom address,adding /atom.xml to your http://yourtitle.blogspot.com address.Just your headings ot post titles will be displayed but a few lines will appear on mouseover. These link to your original source and will open the appropriate Blogger post.

There is also a Comment widget which allows users to enter remarks or ask questions. If you do include this, check regularly in case some need to be answered (or deleted!)

Your site address

The address of your web site will be something like this: http://www.protopage.com/loginname#category/tabname


These links will take you to the various applications used as well as examples of the completed samples and other ILT ideas. These links can also be accessed from the sidebar.

Dunstable College Library
Some more advanced web design here but an illustration of a simple alternative to traditional VLE software. Several links from the Courses link, however, go to pages created using these or similar free applications.

Blogger sample Q5
The new version, which has many new features.

Pageflakes Q5 sample
Protopage Q5 sample
Two of the free applications used to create web pages.

Q3 and Q4 have illustrated guides to Blogger, Pageflakes and Picasa.

An excellent image management tool from the Google stable

Google accounts
A must these days for access to many exciting and free applications

Staff ICT Skills survey
The popular Excel tool that can be used on-line or printed and circulated

Scheme of work / lesson plan tool
Fill in one sheet and get all your course documents in one go!

Free on-line surveys

CoffeeCup software
Lots of great web tools which were made available free for use by the author and students - currently offers available that might apply to your institution too.

Project report

Project team

Eamon O'Donnell, Head of Business Department
Somewhat sceptical of the real benefits of technology and comparatively new to IT other than in using Word and the internet. Has achieved consistently good results using traditional methods.

Dorothy Tozer, Library Team Manager
As the main source of requests for help in providing old-style resources, she liked the opportunity to develop ILT links and modernise the Library's own approach. Very exprienced and trusted by staff, and whose views would be recognised as sound by everyone.

Andrew Hill, ILT Co-ordinator
Enthusiastic supporter of simple solutions for staff new to ILT techniques but frustrated by lack of funds or access to resources - so needed to find easy-to-grasp solutions.Business Department and Library staff

Subject area

The initial focus was on the business Department but later broadened in view of the Library team's recognition of the opportunities to offer pages of links to all departments.

Whilst the actual output available here has Business features prominent, the tools provide methods for development opportunities anywhere.

Reasons for starting this project

The Business Department is part of the Continuing Professional Development curriculum area which also includes Teacher Training. neither department have any individual practitioners who use ILT in other than pretty basic ways but both recognise the need to change. The staff are mostly not very well ICT-qualified and tend to resist change. Both departments have good reason for setting a better example: Business becuase of the impact that technology is having in commerce and managment these days and Teacher Training so that new entrants to the profession experience the modern training they will be expected to utilise.

As the project developed it became clear that the modest amount of time and funding available would be best spent on providing simple guides and examples for the areas where there had been little use to date of the official College VLE and to ensure that the Library team's ideas were incorporated to make the tools readily accessible too.

Contribution to excellent teaching

Home environmentf
Few First or National Diploma-type students do much in class. They like the social aspect of college and tend to pick up assignments, check what's required with tutors and their actual work is largely produced at home. Often they have better equipment there too! Being able to view presentations, notes, recommended links and samples is reagrded as a big advantage.

Tutors have little time in College. They too appreciate being able to access work and put ideas into practice at home when the thoughts occur to them. Attendance 9 to 5 may still be the expected norm but that's not when inspirations always come. Many staff were also interested in the personal development of web sites and blogs etc.

Learner motivation
The web demands better presentation so is no place for the tired old documents of old or, of course, OHT slides! This has to be beneficial and if the tutpr makes an effort students do notice and respect that.

Staff training
A key element of the end product is to be able to show attractive results that are achievable without specialised skills or ostly applications. For example, a blog can be created or edited anywhere and, indeed, a tutor was observed duting the project editing one on the fly in order to make some new notes available to syudents over the half term break.

How can the project benefit staff and colleagues?

It was found that several staff were using similar resources and duplicating, literally, materials. Even those who had begun to use the traditional College VLE were unable to grasp the less than straightforward matter of linking to another 'VLE course' whereas the combined effect of a deaprtment resources page in an area that they were familar with and the simplicity of the tools for publishing highlighted made sharing simpler.

As well as having the opportunity to utilise the actual resources provided and to view the guidance notes describing how to set about creating them in their own area of activity, others will benefit from the staff professional development structure that was created into as part of the project output. Many organisations will be concentrating on recording professional development now and the approach adopted of putting e-CPD into a broader professional development framework may appeal.

What similar resources are available elsewhere?

Whilst VLE development in the sector has continued apace with WebCT, Blackboard and now, increasingly, Moodle, the team were not aware of any development in terms of using the new web applications considered in this project. There was quite a bit of use of web logs by students to record activity but not so much by tutors to publish material, probably because, until recently, most web logs, whilst easy to add content to, were quite difficult to edit in terms of editing templates, making lists of links to other materials or in changing appearance.

The main advantage of this project's approach is the simplicity of publishing things in an attractive and accessible form, which, combined with the low level of ICT skills needed and zero expenditure on software licences, makes this worth considering.

It is recognised that research as to what others are doing in the field of new web applications was not very intensive, however, and it may be the case that similar developments are happening elsewhere. The team have liaised with the Eastern Region E-learning Forum in this respect where future activities along these lines may be co-ordinated.

ICT considerations

ICT skills
All tutors in the Business Department completed an ICT Skills Assessment. A key feature of what was produced is the fact that people do not need to have high levels of ICT skills. Basic training in folder management, using the internet and short cuts for selecting, copying and pasting items was still found to be necessary for some staff who had not been using a computer other than for e-mail and the occasional Word document, or just viewing items received. All participants needed some training in managing images.

Two findings from our research were particularly interesting: those with low-level ICT skills were very keen to get to use video in their teaching as well as images. This has led to Microsoft PhotoStory and the very new SplashCast tools, also free, being incorporated in our planned staff development. The other was the very limited use of fonts generally. Most seemed unaware of the 217 fonts available on their computers and used almost solely Times New Roman or Arial! This had the unexpected benefit of not requiring the usual 'debriefing' for web authors whilst browsers remain capable of managing only a restricted design range.

ICT resources
No specific brands of hardware are involved in this project. The software applications used were Pageflakes, Blogger and Google products and it is for these that guidance notes and illustrations have been produced. These are all freely available at the time of writing, with no licence restrictions for normal use as described. There are alternatives available in all cases but it is beyond the scope of this report to make comparisons.

The project in practice

Individual observations on various aspects of the project and its output are available, with comments from both tutors and students. It is too early to say whether there will be any impact on success statistics but the feedback received so far has been excellent.

What would we change

The original idea was to put tutors through a structured staff development programme based on units from the eCPD framework. The pressure on staff, however, is really to demonstrate overall professional development, not just in the field of using technology, so we changed things to reflect this and decided that their training should be focused on the particular tasks that were required, in a practical manner, rather than theory. This would then form part of an overall CPD Framework which the College is developing. That then led to the idea of creating a structure to contain not only Business links or web pages that tutors could use but something that could hold links to, or summaries of, evidence gathered by staff generally in professional development.

It became very clear at an early stage that there was little real enthusiasm for any 'framework' which lacked a qualification aim. Especially amongst the audience involved there was mistrust of 'initiatives' and training that might have appeared to be ticking inspection boxes. We felt that some time was wasted on explaining the 'framework' and trying to put 'e-CPD' into some context. What staff wanted were simple 1-2-3 guides, examples to see finished products and we quickly realised that large group training or events were virtually pointless. One-to-one training at their desks or small groups in a real classroom would have been much better from the start.

Further development

During the project staff were issued plastic folders with card and paper content bearing the title Staff Development. This was an attempt to help staff generate a CPD portfolio independent of our activity.

It was immediately recognised that the tools we were demonstrating could be utilised quite easily in the development of an on-line portfolio with notes, guides, links to resources and practical work created by staff being included, or linked in, a web site or web log.

This does require that those delivering staff development sessions do themselves maintain modern technology standards in e-learning in the way the make resources available but, if more can be persuaded to do so as a result of the work we are doing then this may be more readily achievable.

The original project has, therefore, inspired others to look further into both the way they deliver staff training and the more general (and currently pertinent) topic of the e-portfolio.

Watch this, or rather another web-, space!